Safety checklist to follow with tower crane for sale


In almost every city's skylines, the telescopic tower cranes are visible. These are attached to the sides of the structures allowing the operators to reach some great heights offering superior lifting capacity with these stationary balance cranes that are fixed to the ground on concrete slabs. We have discussed the most common types of tower crane for sales and noted that some of the larger ones could easily reach up to 1,400 feet in height with a lifting capacity of over 100 tons in one of the previous posts.



With great power comes great responsibility, as the saying goes despite OSHA and the National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators who are publishing a final rule that is scheduled for the tower crane operator certification in November of 2019 as there have been several notable instances recently of the incidents that involve the tower cranes.

Tower cranes are some of the most expensive pieces of equipment on a construction site as they are often the largest ones. When you are installing, operating, and disassembling a tower crane, it is in everybody's best interest to take every possible precaution. We have placed together some of the best tower cranes safety checklists that include the common hazards that should be considered, along with some of the best practices that can help keep your crane operators and employees safe.


Falling loads, overloading and electrocution are some of the common tower crane-related accidents occurring. In order to avoid stemming from them, the following are some of the causes of these hazards and avoiding accidents:

Falling Loads:

Mechanical failure, improperly secured loads, two blocking, and operator incompetency are the causes of the falling loads though the snapped lines can also be caused by the higher wind speeds.

To help avoid these types of accidents, ensure that all crane operators, lifting supervisors, riggers, etc., are properly certified and that certifications are up-to-date. All loading procedures must be followed to the letter. Monitor weather conditions before each shift and throughout the day.

Make sure that all the crane operators, lifting supervisors, riggers are properly certified and that the certifications are updated in order to avoid this kind of accident. Before every weather condition, you need to consider each of the sears throughout the entire day.


There is a a greater risk that the crane can suffer from stress fractures or, worse, collapse completely, causing a hazard surrounding the equipment or the structures and even death when the load of the crane exceeds its lifting capacity. Make sure that no loads are over the lifting capacity of the cranes and that all the loads are secured properly with the loading procedures.

Electrical Issues:

Cranes that touch the power lines or other high-voltage power sources, including lightning strikes is what half of all tower-crane-related accidents involve here. Monitoring the weather throughout the day and making sure that there is sufficient clearance for the jib to move is what should be considered.
